Friday, September 24, 2010

Writing about my own self is so tough..

When I sat down to pen down exactly what was going on inside my mind, I found out that it was so difficult for me to trace the thoughts inside me. Somehow, while I was on bed, I got hold of a few of them fiddling inside my brains. I have got a friend who feels so passionately about all the wrongs going within the country; be it media or a common man. He has never made an attempt to change it, but has definitely given his bit to the society always and continues to do that. Be it a blood donation or minimizing the plastic usage, he has been a strict follower of it all! I, being a part of the media industry now, feel like I am answerable to him as a common man. For, at the end of the day, I feel he is one of that mass whom I have pledged to serve as a journalist. Once I was deep inside this thought and its analysis, when I got hold of another stupid element in my think tank, which talked about my buddy. My buddy who was into his hibernation period, away from all the disturbances and worldly troubles. I have seen him in kid of the kiddies’ moods, in the best of his personality traits and in the most professional forms. I have always tried to be one of the closest of people in his life but couldn't even touch the feet of it. It was then that I thought how common this was with guys to creep into their hibernation and then, not to turn back no matter what until the cobra has completely regained its layer of skin. However, gals always remain caught between the questions as to "he would need me...”, "Mom would be worried of my sudden silence...”, "May be my baby is hungry...” Is the responsibility of togetherness tied up with girls alone? They say, girls are stronger at emotions and boys at physique whereas I feel the reason behind this is that girls take a while to decide the emotional closeness and distance with anybody and guys think over the physical ones more. Though there is no wrong and right between the two, but the theory of Mars and Venus holds true to most of the instances. As one moves ahead in the race of time, It becomes somehow easier to understand this. I have always waited for my teddy to be back. Even he is a typical guy, much like my buddy. Waiting a lot…